[Podcast] What is customer support like on Cyber Monday?

As you prepare for Cyber Monday, we want to provide you with as much information as possible to get you ready. So we thought - what could be better than hearing from those who have been on the frontlines during the busiest online shopping day of the year?cyber_monday_webinar_olark.png

To get that insight, we turned to our friends (and Olark Customers) Bonobos and Man Crates and asked: how do you get ready for Cyber Monday, how do you make it through the day, and what do you do to reflect?

Adam Covalt, Manager of Customer Service at Bonobos, and James Stillian, Customer Champion at Man Crates, were both nice enough to oblige. Earlier this week they shared their expertise as part of our Cyber Monday Boot Camps.

The result is a raw, unfiltered look at just how busy things get, and what teams have to deal with when the unexpected happens. The two presentations nicely (and unintentionally) complement each other - Adam provides a data-driven look at what his team experiences; James provides an emotional take on how his team bands together to keep morale up before, during and after the shopping crowds appear.

Bonobos on Cyber Monday

You can listen to Adam's presentation here:

(If you'd prefer to read a recap of the audio instead, head over to the StellaService Bright blog.)

Man Crates on Cyber Monday

You can listen to James' presentation here. We've broken it into 3 parts for easier consumption on your DiscMan.

Bonus - The craziest day at Man Crates

Sure, Cyber Monday gets crazy. Bust last year at Man Crates, things got Crazy. So crazy that the team had to pull an all-hands-support manouver and get everyone involved answering phones, even "Joe the Janitor..."

If you haven't already, now would be a good time to get our Cyber Monday eBook

Download the   Cyber Monday Survival Manual!

Check out relevant topics on: Olark Customers, Customer Support

Karl Pawlewicz

Read more posts by Karl Pawlewicz

Karl is the Head of Communications for Olark. Got a good Olark story to tell? Email him: karl@olark.com