Scheduling Times with Customers and Prospects -  Made Easy with Olark

Setting up times with busy customers and prospects can be a headache.

“Monday at 5 or Friday at noon?”
“No, how about next week, 3pm on Wednesday?”
“No can do. How about that Thursday at 9am?”
“...” (gives up)


Apps like Calendly that share all your availability are pretty genius, imho.

Now, you can save yourself and your chatting customers a headache: send them a light speed Calendly or other scheduling link!

Here are just a few examples of when scheduling a follow-up might be handy:

  • A customer success call
  • An admissions interview
  • A sales demo call
    A troubleshooting session

Have the link in your back pocket

In your Olark account, go to Dashboard > Settings > Shortcuts.

Input ‘calendly’ into a new Shortcut. Or make it even shorter, like ‘cal’! Just pick an abbreviation you’ll remember.

Paste your unique Calendly URL into Olark Shortcuts. (For example:

calendly link 2

You can include a greeting like:

Pick a time with me in Calendly:

Calendly shortcut

Whenever you want to schedule a meeting, just type ;cal in your chat and hit return, then hit send. Boom, invite sent!

Using a different calendar, like Acuity, AppointEze, or No problem.

The process is almost identical. Just grab your permalink or personal link, pop it into Shortcuts, assign an abbreviation, write a greeting, and you’re ready to schedule! Totally painless.

Here’s what you’ll see

Start typing:

Calendly agent 1

Hit return and it's ready to go (you can customize if you want):

Calendly agent 2

Hit send when ready!

Here's what they'll see

Calendly customer 1

Here's how the full chat might go...

Calendly dialogue

Olark and Calendly together for the win!

Learn More

Check out relevant topics on: Chat Tips, Remote Work

Kerry Vineberg

Read more posts by Kerry Vineberg

Kerry is a B2B technology writer and content marketer. She enjoys exploring her home city (and tech hotspot), San Francisco.