Peggy Emch

Peggy Emch
Peggy Emch is the marketing director for, a company that provides time tracking and scheduling software for small business. Peggy enjoys writing about management, productivity, and other businesses topics.

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How to manage Customer Service during the holidays

Today's blog post comes from Olark user who shares how businesses can prepare for balancing employee time off requests during the busy holiday shopping season...

Congratulations - Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over! But as you know, we're not finished with the holiday shopping season yet. As Jordan Vidra said in a recent Olark holiday ecommerce webinar:

"Customer interaction volume at Homage goes up starting with Black Friday and stays high through Christmas, and even after Christmas with returns and exchanges."

This sustained increase in customer interactions makes staffing customer service over the next month tricky. Many employees want to take vacation to spend the holidays with friends and family, leaving businesses with fewer staff than is ideal for helping holiday shoppers.

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