For most small businesses, getting data isn't the problem.
Pageviews, sessions, opens, likes, shares, conversions, chat volume - data, and the tools to gather it, are all around us. The challenge is making data and analytics actionable.
Pageviews, sessions, opens, likes, shares, conversions, chat volume - data, and the tools to gather it, are all around us. The challenge is making data and analytics actionable.
After reading our article on integrating live chat and a CRM, you're probably excited to get your CRM hooked up with Olark.
But what if you use a CRM or Help Desk platform that we don't "officially" support? No problem! to make that connection, you'll use a webhook, which happens to be my area of expertise :)
This is an image of a fishing line by Alan Bishop on Unsplash. It's not a webhook, but you get the idea.
Our former co-founder, Zach Steindler, alluded to this briefly in his article on CRM Magazine:
"Even if you're not using a big-name CRM solution, live chat platforms make it easy for developers to add basic push functionality with minimal programming."